Healing with Infrared Heat Marcia Knowlton of Westlake Village, California, shares her story

Imagine dental cleanings without bleeding, no more pain with exercise and energy to spare. As a 64-year-old with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), I hadn’t experienced dental visits without blood loss for more than 15 years.  

After using a Clearlight Sauna twice weekly for two months, I had my usual three-month cleaning. My dental hygienist was astounded at my blood-free mouth, the reduction in tartar, and how “scary” gum pockets of 4.5 and 6 were now 2 and 3. I recognized the significance of these improvements: the chronic inflammation I had experienced for years was clearing up. My use of the infrared sauna was the only explanation: and my holistic dentist, who had shown me an article on inflammation* and it’s role in disease, was so impressed, he immediately ordered a sauna for his home which he now uses daily.  

I continue using the far infrared sauna and am pain-free after exercising, and I have energy left for other activities each day. This is not the norm for someone with years of FMS, Chronic Fatigue and frequent colds and flu. That’s another wonderful benefit of this sauna: I haven’t been sick with a cold, sinus infection, earache or flu since my first infrared sauna session three years ago! Apparently, use of the sauna eliminated the long-running bacterial infection of gum disease and freed up my immune system to combat everyday illnesses, perhaps more. Another bonus: my husband is very happy to have a healthier, sexier wife. ✦  

* 2/23/04 Time Magazine article, “The Fires Within” reports scientists found a surprising link between inflammation and heart attacks, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other diseases.  

“We need to take infrared saunas to detoxify the ungodly amount of chemicals and toxins that we are constantly exposed to.” — Dr. Brian Clement, Director, Hippocrates Health Institute  

“One of the reasons far infrared has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is the ability of far infrared waves to remove toxins, which are often at the core of many health problems.” — Toshiko Yamazaki, MD, The Science of Far Infrared Therapies

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