Fish Cakes… with a bite!

A good classic meal that can be served with a huge variety of options from salad to chips (healthier ones of course!). This version is inspired by Levi Roots

Ingredients – to make 4-6 cakes

Start to finish roughly 1 hour (including 30 minutes resting time in the fridge)

Please note that all ingredients are rough proportions and you can play with them depending on your balance.

200g Potatoes

500g White Fish (or whichever fish you prefer – this recipe will work with Mackerel etc too)

1 Chilli or to taste

3 spring onions (green parts only)

 2cm Ginger root

1-4 Cloves of Garlic

1 Large Egg

2 Tbsp Lime Juice

some Coconut oil to fry with

Your chosen side(s)

The Method

  • Depending on the size of your potatoes either place them whole or chopped into water to boil.  If you have a steamer, steam the fish above the potatoes or you can oven cook them.  Leave them both to cook until ready – about ten minutes.
  • Whilst you wait for the potatoes and fish chop the chilli, spring onions, ginger and garlic finely and set into a bowl.
  • Once the potatoes are cooked, drain them and mash them.  Add in the egg, chilli, spring onions, ginger and garlic and put to one side.
  • Pour the lime juice over the fish and let it marinate for a couple of minutes before adding this to the potato mixture.
  • Make your fish cakes to the size you prefer and place onto a clean plate.  Put them into the fridge to firm up a little for about 30 minutes.
  • Just before your fish cakes are ready to cook, heat some oil in a pan and heat on a medium/low heat until they are cooked though – about three minutes each side depending on how thick your fish cakes are.
  • Serve with your side(s)

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